Cataclysm Classic Tier List
The WoW Cataclysm Classic Tier List contains class rankings for the roles of DPS, healers, and tanks in Cata. All specs are rated while S-Tier is the strongest pick in every category. The balancing in WoW Cataclysm was overall very good, so A-Tier and even B-Tier will be completely viable and still be able to find raid spots. Additionally, every class has at least one viable spec to raid with. This reduces the pressure to pick a class purely based on rankings.
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Updated Tier Lists for Cataclysm Classic 2024
DPS Rankings and Tier Lists will be different between Cataclysm Classic Tier 11 in 2024 compared to the original WoW Cataclysm 4.0 patch in 2010. The reason is, that Blizzard is releasing all balancing changes to classes and content up to Cataclysm 4.3 right at the launch of Cata Classic. Cata Classic will even contain bugfixes that change the power of certain specs. These changes will impact the DPS rankings and even healing and DPS requirements for raids. First tests and experiences from the Cataclysm Beta show, that Tier 11 is way easier than initially expected.
Our Tier Lists are created with great care and are based on balance changes up to Cataclysm 4.3, the current 4.4 Beta client, and experiences from private servers.
Please note that the Tier Lists could see more or less drastic changes after Cata is launched if Blizzards adds more changes. Keep this in mind if you’re basing your class pick on current Tier Lists. We will keep all tier lists up-to-date.
DPS Tier List in Cataclysm Classic
This is the DPS Tier List for WoW Cataclysm Classic Tier 11. The Tier list is based on the DPS and raid utility provided. A class with less utility for the raid needs to bring higher DPS while classes with very sought-after utility can still be top-tier even with lower DPS rankings.
- S
- A
- B
- C
- D
The DPS ranking is based on the current experiences with the Cataclysm Beta, logs from the original Cataclysm, balance changes up to 4.3, and private server experiences in terms of the raid utility of each class. We will update the tier list as soon as we learn more about the specific tuning and balancing in Cataclysm Classic.
Please note the following annotations for the current standings in our DPS list:
- Some specs in C-tier and D-tier could be ranked higher if we look at the Spec in a vacuum. But if a class has a spec that is too far ahead in terms of PvE performance and is equally easy or even easier to play, this will influence the meta and player expectations. Even if a spec might not deserve D-tier in isolation, it becomes D-tier by having a vastly superior spec. This is especially true for
Hunter, and
- A feral
Druid that can off-tank is a great addition for most raids. In this case, the Feral
Druid has a higher standing than shown above. The ranking is balanced around a Feral that is only DPS-ing.
- If you play 10-man raids having a good raid buff coverage is important. Your personal “Tier List” to fill the last slots will vary depending on the already existing raid composition. Additionally, certain specs may be better in 10-man and worse in 25-man raids if you try to min-max or speedrun your raids.
Rogue is currently hard to rank. We should see a rise in Subtlety
Rogues in later phases, but since the spec is significantly harder to play and this tier list is focused on Tier 11, Subtlety is ranked very low. Combat is great for multi-target fights and players who can use both dual-spec slots for PvE specs, might excel with a combat spec in certain fights.
- Frost
Death Knight is easier to play than Unholy. Unholy will scale better with more gear, but depending on your raid goals (like speedrunning), Frost could be more sought after than Unholy at the beginning of Cataclysm Classic.
We are updating this Tier List as soon as we learn more about the changes Blizzard is implementing. Send us your thoughts and suggestions with the feedback button at the end of this page!
Healer Tier List in Cataclysm Classic
This is the Healer Tier List for the first tier of Cataclysm Classic. Classes that are more likely to swap to a DPS role during the raid tier, are ranked A-Tier. Classes that are more likely to stay in their healer role a S-Tier.
- S
- A
- B
Priest (Holy)
The Holy Priest is ranked lowest because the Discipline spec is just too good. The player expectations and meta will most likely demand every
Priest to run Discipline. But if you’re raiding with friends or a guild, you might be able to heal in the Holy spec.
Tank Tier List in Cataclysm Classic
This is the Tank Tier List for WoW Cataclysm Classic in 2024. The ranking depends on the performance and is split into main tank and off tank since the requirements for both roles are different. The main-tank needs more defensive cooldowns, mitigation, and self-sustain than the off-tank, while an off-tank should be able to provide significant DPS while they’re not tanking.
Main Tank Tier List
- S
- A
- B
Blood Death Knights are the best main tanks for Cataclysm Classic due to their defensive cooldowns and self-healing.
Off-Tank Tier List
- S
- A
- B
Druid are great for off-tanking, since their DPS and tank spec are similar. In fights that require just very short tank swaps a
Druid can stay in cat form and just DPS most of the fight.