Experts in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws Experts

Experts are special NPCs in Star Wars Outlaws. Experts assign special tasks for which you receive abilities as a reward. These abilities are important for your character’s progress. In this Star Wars Outlaws Experts guide, you’ll learn about the different experts available and where to find them.

📂 Star Wars Outlaws

📅 Last updated on August 29, 2024.

Star Wars Outlaws Experts List

There are 9 experts in Star Wars Outlaws. In the following table you’ll see which Experts there are, where to find them and how to unlock them:

ExpertLocationHow to Unlock
Bram, the BartenderCantonicaAutomatically unlocked after the prologue.
Selo Rovak, the MechanicTosharaUnlocked after “New Tricks”.
Aila Bren, the SlicerTosharaUnlocked after “New Tricks”.
Temmin Wexley, the ScavengerAkivaUnlocked after “The Droidsmith”.
MT-7, the VeteranAkivaCollect 5 transmissions in orbit.
Rooster Trace, the MercenaryKijimiUnlocked shortly after reaching Kijimi.
Sheriff Quint, the GunslingerTatooineUnlocked shortyl after reaching Mos Eisley.
Teeka, the HotfixerTatooineUnlocked after “Jabba’s Favor”
Lando Calrissian, the High RollerAkivaTalk to the Bartender in Myrra (Akiva)
All Experts in Star Wars Outlaws and their locations.

Where To Find Experts in Star Wars Outlaws

“The experts are distributed across the planets you can visit in Star Wars Outlaws. Their exact locations are listed in the table above. To find out where an expert is directly in the game, use the following method:”

  1. Go to the Abilities tab.
  2. Choose an Expert.
  3. Press the respective key or button (e.g. “Y”) to mark the Expert on the map.

Travel to the destination to find the Expert. Before you can interact with an expert, however, you must first collect enough intel about them.

How to Unlock Experts in Star Wars Outlaws

Before going to the Expert’s location, you’ll need to collect enough “Intel” about them first. If you have not collected enough Intel, you will not be able to interact with the Expert. You will find Intel as part of the main story.

If you have enough Intel, you can locate the Expert and complete their side quest. Afterward, smaller tasks can be undertaken to gain skills.

For example, for the “Fast Talk” ability, you need to take down 3 distracted enemies and defeat 5 enemies with melee. In our guide to all Star Wars Outlaws Abilities, you’ll learn more about the effects of each ability and how to unlock them.

Expert Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws

If you complete all of the 9 Experts’ side quests, you will also unlock the “Experience outranks everything” Trophy. In our Star Wars Outlaws Trophy Guide, you will find an overview of all available Trophies.