Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws Trophies

In Star Wars Outlaws, there are 50 Trophies. Trophies are achievements that are exclusive to PlayStation. To earn the Platinum Trophy, you must have obtained all 49 other Trophies. This involves tasks such as collecting various collectibles like Nix treasures, completing missions and achieving maximum reputation with all factions.

In this Star Wars Outlaws Trophies guide, you’ll find all available Star Wars Outlaws Trophies and learn how to achieve all the PlayStation Trophies in the game.

📂 Star Wars Outlaws

📅 Last updated on August 30, 2024.

How Many Trophies Are Available in Star Wars Outlaws?

In Star Wars Outlaws, there are a total of 50 Trophies. You can earn 49 Trophies by playing the game and achieving specific goals. The Platinum Trophy is awarded once you have collected all 49 other Trophies.

The game features 36 Bronze Trophies, 11 Silver Trophies, and 2 Gold Trophies. Bronze Trophies include tasks such as collecting all Nix treasures, completing 40 contracts and cheat and win a Sabacc game against Lando.

For Silver Trophies, you need to accomplish goals like defeating six enemies simultaneously using Adrenaline Rush. and completing all Expert quests. To earn the Gold Trophies, you must, among other things, defeat the capital ship of each Syndicate without taking hull damage.

All Bronze Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws

Here is the list of the 36 Bronze Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws, along with their descriptions:

All Silver Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws

Here is the list of the 11 Silver Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws, along with their descriptions:

  1. They live up to the name: Clear Wanted status by completing a Death Trooper confrontation event.
  2. Shoot first: Defeat six enemies simultaneously using Adrenaline Rush.
  3. Experience outranks everything: Complete all Expert quests. Our guide on the Star Wars Outlaws Experts, you’ll find a list of all Experts in the game.
  4. Adventure and excitement: Discover all planet areas.
  5. The heavier they fall: Defeat a Raider to clear Wanted status.
  6. Into the main frame: Slice 10 Advanced Terminals.
  7. Best of the best: Complete all main quests on Akiva.
  8. The Director: Learn Sliro’s secret.
  9. Eye on the score: Complete all main quests in Canto Bight.

All Gold Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws

Here is the list of the 2 Gold Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws, along with their descriptions:

Once you have unlocked all 49 Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws, you will earn the game’s Platinum Trophy “Outlaws”.

Are There Missable Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws?

There aren’t any missable Trophies in Star Wars Outlaws. You will receive many of the Trophies just by playing the main story. Once you have completed the story and the credits have rolled, you can return to the open world and unlock the remaining trophies.