Builds in WoW Classic

WoW SoD Tier List & Builds

A character build in WoW Classic is the combination of spent talent points, gear, enchantments, and in Season of Discovery your selected runes. Most classes have two to three different builds, depending on their roles in groups.

In our WoW SoD Builds Directory, you’ll find the best character builds for the 9 playable classes Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior. Each build contains talents, runes, consumables, and BiS items. Additionally, you can find a WoW SoD Tier List about specs and roles for the current phase of Season of Discovery below.

📂 WoW Classic

📅 Last updated on February 13, 2025.

WoW SoD Tier List

The following Tier Lists sort all WoW SoD classes and role combinations based on their strength in the current raid. All data is based on logs collected by WarcraftLogs.

DPS Tier List Phase 7

This is the DPS Tier List for WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery based on their current performance in Naxxramas. The Tier List is based on current simulations. We will update it with live data soon.

The DPS ranking is based on WoWSims’ DPS simulations for phase 7. Keep in mind that raid utility can play a big role and might increase the demand of a spec, but is not represented in the tier list.

Healer Tier List

This is the Healer Tier List for WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery based on their performance in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. An update for Naxxramas is coming soon.

The best healer for your raid is highly situational and depends on the buffs you are missing or the weaknesses of your raid group. Depending on your raid composition, Paladin Paladin or Shaman Shaman become very valuable due to their buffs. Druid Druid has great group healing, provides second highest DPS, and can debuff bosses with Faerie Fire Faerie Fire. Mage Mage healers are popular for their flexibility in a raid group.

Tank Tier List

This is the Tank Tier List for WoW Classic’s Season of Discovery based on their performance in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. An update for Naxxramas is coming soon.

The tank tier list requires a tank to generate enough threat and have enough mitigation to survive. If threat and survivability are given, DPS and speeding up runs become the most important factors. Note that all tanks are capable of being the main tank in your raid. The differences are minor and you’ll even find every tank multiple times within the top 20 of the world’s best speed runs.

WoW SoD Build Guides for Phase 7

The following table shows all build guides for each class and role in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. The builds show the best talents, runes, consumables, Pre-Raid BiS, and BiS gear for the specific role.

ClassBuild Guide with Talents & BiSRole
Druid DruidWoW SoD Resto DruidHealer
Druid DruidWoW SoD Druid TankTank
Druid DruidWoW SoD Feral DruidMelee DPS
Druid DruidWoW SoD Balance DruidRange DPS
Hunter HunterWoW SoD Hunter DPS BuildDPS
Mage MageWoW SoD Mage DPSRange DPS
Mage MageWoW SoD Mage HealerHealer
Paladin PaladinWoW SoD Holy PaladinHealer
Paladin PaladinWoW SoD Paladin TankTank
Paladin PaladinWoW SoD Ret PaladinMelee DPS
Priest PriestWoW SoD Holy PriestHealer
Priest PriestWoW SoD Shadow PriestRange DPS
Rogue RogueWoW SoD DPS RogueMelee DPS
Rogue RogueWoW SoD Rogue TankTank
Shaman ShamanWoW SoD Resto ShamanHealer
Shaman ShamanWoW SoD Shaman TankTank
Shaman ShamanWoW SoD Elemental ShamanRange DPS
Shaman ShamanWoW SoD Enhancement ShamanMelee DPS
Warlock WarlockWoW SoD Warlock DPSRange DPS
Warlock WarlockWoW SoD Warlock TankTank
Warrior WarriorWoW SoD Warrior TankTank
Warrior WarriorWoW SoD DPS WarriorMelee DPS
Builds for each class and role in WoW Classic.