Dungeons in WoW Classic

WoW Classic Dungeons

Dungeons are instanced areas in WoW Classic. “Instanced” means creating a custom instance for the player or group of players that cannot be accessed by other players. Most WoW Classic dungeons are designed for a group size of 5 players. In this WoW Classic dungeons list you will find the level ranges for all 20 dungeons available in WoW Classic.

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What Dungeons are Available in WoW Classic?

You can see which instances are available in WoW Classic in our dungeon list. Dungeons with multiple areas that are usually visited independently of each other are listed as separate entries:

DungeonSoDRec. LevelMin LevelMax PlayersZone
Ragefire Chasm13-1885 / 10Orgrimmar
Wailing Caverns17-25105 / 10The Barrens
The Deadmines18-23105 / 10Westfall
Shadowfang Keep22-30145 / 10Silverpine Forest
Blackfathom DeepsLUR*20-30 (25 in SoD)155 / 10Ashenvale
The Stockade22-30155 / 10Stormwind City
GnomereganLUR*29-38 (40 in SoD)195 / 10Dun Morogh
Razorfen Kraul30-40205 / 10The Barrens
Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard26-36205 / 10Tirisfal
Scarlet Monastery: Library29-39205 / 10Tirisfal
Scarlet Monastery: Armory32-42205 / 10Tirisfal
Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral35-45205 / 10Tirisfal
Razorfen Downs40-50285 / 10The Barrens
Uldaman42-52305 / 10Badlands
Zul’Farrak 44-54355 / 10Tanaris
Maraudon46-55355 / 10Desolace
The Temple of Atal’HakkarLUR*52-58 (50 in SoD)355 / 10Swamp of Sorrows
Blackrock Depths52-60405Burning Steppes
Dire Maul54-60525Feralas
Lower Blackrock Spire55-60445 / 10Burning Steppes
Upper Blackrock Spire56-604810Burning Steppes
Scholomance58-60485Western Plaguelands
Stratholme58-60485Eastern Plaguelands
Demon Fall Canyon (SoD only)58-60555Ashenvale

* LUR: a Level-Up Raid grants increased XP. Bosses grant a static amount of bonus XP up to a certain level.

Some dungeons have multiple wings. For example, the Scarlet Monastery has a total of 4 entrances. The first entrance can be played at level 26, while the recommended level range for the last entrance only begins at level 35.

How Many Players are Needed for an Instance in WoW Classic?

A dungeon in WoW Classic usually requires 5 players. The composition of the group consists of the following 3 roles:

If your character is well above the recommended level range, it is also possible to complete dungeons alone. Most dungeons can be entered with up to 10 players. The following dungeons are excluded from this:

Are Dungeons Important in WoW Classic?

Dungeons are an important source of experience points and items in WoW Classic. By completing quests and drops you will receive items that make leveling easier. Aside from that, it’s not a problem to skip instances in the early character levels.

However, from around level 50, dungeons become increasingly important. In some cases, instances are important to obtain additional content or even best-in-slot items. Characters who later want to plunge into raids should generally complete at least the dungeons from level 50 onwards.