Priest in WoW Classic

WoW SoD Priest Healer

In this WoW SoD Priest Build you will find the best spec for Priest healers in PvE in the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. The build shows the best talents, runes, BiS gear, and enchants to heal in dungeons and raids as a Priest.

📂 WoW Classic > Priest

📅 Last updated on February 2, 2025.

WoW SoD Holy/Disc Priest Talents & Runes

Choose the following talents and runes to heal dungeons and raids as a Priest Priest in Phase 7 at level 60:


Learn where to find each rune in our guide Season of Discovery Priest Runes.

SoD Phase 7 Heal Priest BiS List

The following Heal Priest Priest BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery to heal in raids and dungeons:

This BiS list is optimized to unlock the 4-set bonus of “Dawn of the Oracle” and the 4-set bonus of “Vestment of Faith”. You can go for 8 pieces of “Vestment of Faith” for slightly more healing power. Keep Mender's Handwraps Mender's Handwraps and wear the other 8 items of “Vestment of Faith” in that case.

SoD Phase 6 Heal Priest BiS List

The following Heal Priest Priest BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 6 of Season of Discovery to heal in raids and dungeons:

SoD Phase 5 Heal Priest BiS List

The following Heal Priest Priest BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 5 of Season of Discovery:

SoD Phase 4 Heal Priest BiS List

The following Heal Priest Priest BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery to heal in raids and dungeons:

1 To obtain Argent Elite Shoulders Argent Elite Shoulders, you need to buy or craft Argent Shoulders Argent Shoulders with Tailoring 300. Bring Argent Shoulders Argent Shoulders, 3 Skin of Shadow Skin of Shadow from Scholomance, and 4 Corruptor's Scourgestone Corruptor's Scourgestone from Scholomance or Stratholme to Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock at 81.6 60.0 in Western Plaguelands.
2 To get Benediction Benediction, you need The Eye of Divinity The Eye of Divinity from Molten Core and The Eye of Shadow The Eye of Shadow from Elite Demons or Lord Kazzak. Equip The Eye of Divinity The Eye of Divinity and talk to Eris Havenfire at 20.8 18.4 in Eastern Plaguelands, to start the quest QuestThe Balance of Light and Shadow. This quest will lead you to Benediction Benediction.
3 Without Tailoring, you can’t wear the item Argent Elite Shoulders Argent Elite Shoulders. Fall back to Mantle of Prophecy Mantle of Prophecy as your shoulder item. You might want to consider equipping Leggings of Transcendence Leggings of Transcendence instead of Pants of Prophecy Pants of Prophecy as your legs.
4 You can run 4 items of your tier 0.5 set for more sustainability together with Leggings of Transcendence Leggings of Transcendence. The performance in comparison to 6 set items form tier 1 (Molten Core) is very close and it comes down to personal preference. Learn where to get the tier 0.5 items in our pre-BiS list below.

Fire Resistance for Heat Level 2 and Heat Level 3

To raid the more difficult heat levels in Molten Core you need to hit Fire Resistance thresholds. For Heat Level 2 you need at least 96 Fire Resistance and for Heat Level 3 you need at least 226 Fire Resistance. To increase your Fire Resistance you can equip gear, utilize enchantments, use consumables, and get buffs from your Druids Druids, Shamans Shamans 1, and Paladins Paladins 1.

Use the following sources to increase your Fire Resistance to the required threshold:

Using Fire Resistance items often results in a DPS loss in comparison to your BiS list. After you’ve acquired new raid items recalculate your Fire Resistance and re-optimize your gear loadout.

🔥 Since the boss Garr from Molten Core can dispel magic effects, you should make sure your Priest Priest is hitting the Fire Resistance threshold without Mark of the Wild Mark of the Wild for that specific fight. This might require you to have some off-pieces for that boss fight.

1 For most guilds, it is not recommended to rely on Shaman Shaman totems or Paladin Paladin auras to hit the minimum Fire Resistance thresholds. If the aura or totem is out of range or the player dies, you will lack Fire Resistance. Use the totems or auras as additional mitigation, but calculate your Fire Resistance without them.

SoD Priest Healer Pre-Raid BiS List

The following Heal Priest Priest BiS list contains the best items you can get in Season of Discovery before entering the endgame raids at level 60.

1 This quest requires Devout Crown Devout Crown from Scholomance and Devout Robe Devout Robe from Blackrock Spire to complete.
2 This quest requires Devout Sandals Devout Sandals from Stratholme, Devout Skirt Devout Skirt from Stratholme, and Devout Mantle Devout Mantle from Blackrock Spire to complete.
3 This quest requires Devout Bracers Devout Bracers from Stratholme to complete. Additionally, you need 15 Silithus Venom Sample Silithus Venom Sample from Stonelash Flayer and Rock Stalker in the southern half of Silithus as Horde Horde player or 15 Winterspring Blood Sample Winterspring Blood Sample from Frostsabers like Frostsaber Cub and Frostsaber Stalker in the northern corner of Winterspring as an Alliance Alliance player.
4 This quest requires Devout Gloves Devout Gloves from Stratholme or Blackrock Spire and Devout Belt Devout Belt from Blackrock Spire to complete.
5 To obtain Argent Elite Shoulders Argent Elite Shoulders, you need to buy or craft Argent Shoulders Argent Shoulders with Tailoring 300. Bring Argent Shoulders Argent Shoulders, 3 Skin of Shadow Skin of Shadow from Scholomance, and 4 Corruptor's Scourgestone Corruptor's Scourgestone from Scholomance or Stratholme to Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock at 81.6 60.0 in Western Plaguelands.

Healer Priest Consumables in SoD

The following list of consumables can be used by Holy Priests Priests or Disc Priests Priests in endgame raids at level 60:

Holy Priest Stat Priority

As a Holy Priest Priest you want to prioritize gear with the following stats:

  1. Intellect
  2. Spell Damage / Healing
  3. Mana per 5 sec (MP5)
  4. Spirit

The value of Spirit and MP5 decreases if you’re not running out of mana. Pure +Healing is generally less sought after in SoD compared to Classic Era. In Classic Era “+Healing” would allow you to downrank your healing spells. In SoD a lot of your healing power comes from runes and runes can’t be downranked, which makes Healing less impactful compared to Classic Era.

DPS Build for Shadow Priests in Season of Discovery

To play as a DPS-Priest Priest in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Shadow Priest Spec. This spec is optimized to deal the maximum amount of damage.

Additional Resources

You can find more resources about the WoW SoD Priest here, including Priest Macros for WoW Classic. For more discussions and insights on healing as a Priest Priest, visit the Classic Priest Discord community.