WoW SoD Professions
There are 12 different professions in WoW SoD. The professions are divided into 9 primary professions and 3 secondary professions. All professions can be leveled from 1 to 300. In our WoW SoD profession guides you will find the optimal way to reach the maximum level of 300 in all professions.
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What’s Special About Professions in WoW SoD?
In Phase 1 of the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic, the maximum level was 25. The level requirement for the profession rank Expert was increased to level 26 (normally level 20). This means that in Phase 1 the skill level cap for professions was 150 (Journeyman).
In SoD Phase 2, the maximum level was 40. The level requirement for the profession rank Artisan was increased to level 41 (normally level 35). This means that in Phase 2 the skill level cap for professions was 225 (Expert). Specializations were not available in Phase 2.
Since SoD Phase 3, professions have been uncapped. You can level any profession unrestricted up to 300.
WoW SoD Profession Guides
Here you will find our profession guides for the 12 professions that are available in WoW SoD. All profession guides are optimized so that you can quickly level the respective profession from 1 to 300. We added more details for the current phase of Season of Discovery to each profession guide.
Primary Professions in WoW SoD
There are 9 primary professions in WoW SoD, which can be divided into crafting professions and gathering professions. The crafting professions include Alchemy, Engineering, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Tailoring, and Enchanting. The gathering professions include Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning.
Note: Since the Waylaid Supplies introduced in SoD affect the leveling of the six crafting professions as well as Cooking, we have created separate SoD guides for each of them. The remaining professions are not affected by this. They can be leveled as in WoW Classic Era.
Crafting Professions
Crafting professions are professions that produce items. These can be, for example, potions, gadgets, armor, or weapons.
Gathering Professions
A gathering profession allows you to collect materials in the world. Herbalism lets you pick flowers, Mining allows you to get ores, and Skinning lets you collect leather from dead animals.
Secondary Professions in WoW SoD
Every character can learn all secondary occupations. First Aid is usually a profession that is learned by all classes. Fishing and Cooking are optional.
How Many Professions Can You Choose in WoW SoD?
In WoW SoD you can choose up to 5 professions for your character. You can learn all 3 secondary professions (Fishing, First Aid, and Cooking). You can also choose a maximum of 2 primary professions. A gathering profession and the corresponding crafting profession are often recommended (e.g. Herbalism and Alchemy).
What Are the Best Professions in WoW SoD?
The best profession in WoW Classic depends on your class and can change depending on what content you play.
For Phase 1 of Season of Discovery, Engineering was one of the best professions. With this profession, you can craft powerful items that will be best-in-slot for the level 25 raid.
Additionally, each armor crafting profession has a recipe for a BoP item like Extraplanar Spidersilk Boots. Only the crafters themselves can wear this item. Depending on your class, this could make Tailoring, Leatherworking, and Blacksmithing very good choices.
What is the Best Profession in PvP?
If you play mostly PvP, Engineering is always the best profession. Since you need a lot of ores, Mining is often combined with Engineering. If you can get your ores elsewhere, the second profession depends on your class.
What is the Best Profession Per Class for PvE?
If you raid a lot, Alchemy is a very good profession for all classes and allows you to make your own potions. Otherwise, the following job combinations are particularly suitable:
Priest and
Warlock: Enchanting & Tailoring.
Shaman, and
Hunter: Skinning & Leatherworking.
Druid: Herbalism & Alchemy or Skinning & Leatherworking.
Paladin and
Warrior: Mining & Blacksmithing.
The crafting professions are often tailored to the class’s armor level. Classes that wear plates, such as warriors and paladins, choose Blacksmithing. This allows you to craft endgame armor that can only be worn by the crafter themselves, as they bind when picked up. If you don’t have access to these endgame recipes (e.g. through raids), these professions are often far less valuable.
All classes should also learn First Aid. Fishing and Cooking are optional.
How to Unlearn Professions in WoW SoD
You can unlearn a profession in WoW SoD in the Skills tab of your character. In the Skills tab click on the profession you want to unlearn. Then find the small “Unlearn” icon at the bottom and click on it.
If you unlearn a gathering or crafting profession, you can then learn a new profession. When you unlearn, you lose all progress and recipes your character has learned. If you later switch back to your old profession, you have to start again at level 1.