Shaman in WoW Classic

WoW SoD Resto Shaman

In this WoW SoD Shaman Healer build you will find the best build for Restoration Shamans in the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. The build shows the best talents, runes, BiS gear, and enchants to heal dungeons and raids as a Resto Shaman.

📂 WoW Classic > Shaman

📅 Last updated on February 5, 2025.

WoW SoD Resto Shaman Talents & Runes

Choose the following talents and runes as a Resto Shaman Shaman for Phase 7 at level 60:


Learn where to find each rune in our guide Season of Discovery Shaman Runes.

SoD Phase 7 Resto Shaman BiS List

The following Resto Shaman Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery:

Legend: Items marked with Icon are BiS if you are healing tanks (single target healing). Items marked with Icon are BiS if you are a raid healer and using Chain Heal Chain Heal mostly.

Use Soul of the Elemental Seer Soul of the Elemental Seer as your shoulder enchant if you’re using Chain Heal Chain Heal. Use Soul of the Ancestors Soul of the Ancestors if you have mana problems. Otherwise, use Soul of the Spiritweaver Soul of the Spiritweaver.

SoD Phase 6 Resto Shaman BiS List

The following Resto Shaman Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 6 of Season of Discovery:

SoD Phase 5 Resto Shaman BiS List

The following Resto Shaman Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 5 of Season of Discovery:

1 You get Thick Corehound Belt Thick Corehound Belt by turning in Corehound Belt Corehound Belt, 25 Firelands Ember Firelands Ember, and 2 Lava Core Lava Core at Lokhtos Darkbargainer in Blackrock Depths. Corehound Belt Corehound Belt is crafted with Leatherworking and requires materials from Molten Core.

SoD Phase 4 Resto Shaman BiS List

The following Restoration Shaman Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery to heal in raids and dungeons:

1 You get Thick Corehound Belt Thick Corehound Belt by turning in Corehound Belt Corehound Belt, 25 Firelands Ember Firelands Ember, and 2 Lava Core Lava Core at Lokhtos Darkbargainer in Blackrock Depths. Corehound Belt Corehound Belt is crafted with Leatherworking and requires materials from Molten Core.

Fire Resistance for Heat Level 2 and Heat Level 3

To raid the more difficult heat levels in Molten Core you need to hit Fire Resistance thresholds. For Heat Level 2 you need at least 96 Fire Resistance and for Heat Level 3 you need at least 226 Fire Resistance. To increase your Fire Resistance you can equip gear, utilize enchantments, use consumables, and cast your Fire Resistance Totem Fire Resistance Totem.

Use the following sources to increase your Fire Resistance to the required threshold:

Using Fire Resistance items often results in a DPS loss in comparison to your BiS list. After you’ve acquired new raid items recalculate your Fire Resistance and re-optimize your gear loadout.

🔥 Since the boss Garr from Molten Core can dispel magic effects, you should make sure your Shaman Shaman is hitting the Fire Resistance threshold without Mark of the Wild Mark of the Wild for that specific fight. This might require you to have some off-pieces for that boss fight.

SoD Resto Shaman Pre-Raid BiS List

The following Restoration Shaman Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Season of Discovery before entering the endgame raids at level 60.

1 This quest requires Boots of Elements Boots of Elements from Blackrock Spire, Kilt of Elements Kilt of Elements from Stratholme, and Pauldrons of Elements Pauldrons of Elements from Blackrock Spire to complete.
2 This quest requires Coif of Elements Coif of Elements from Scholomance and Vest of Elements Vest of Elements from Blackrock Spire to complete.
3 This quest requires 15 Silithus Venom Sample Silithus Venom Sample and Bindings of Elements Bindings of Elements from Stratholme to complete. To get Silithus Venom Sample Silithus Venom Sample, you need to kill Stonelash Flayer and Rock Stalker in the southern half of Silithus.
4 This quest requires Cord of Elements Cord of Elements and Gauntlets of Elements Gauntlets of Elements from Blackrock Spire to complete.
5 You only need the reputation with Timbermaw Hold to craft the base item. If you buy the base item from another player, being Friendly with Timbermaw Hold is enough to upgrade the base item to the epic pre-BiS version.

Resto Shaman Consumables in SoD

The following list of consumables can be used by Resto Shamans Shamans in endgame raids at level 60:

Resto Shaman Stat Priority

As a Resto Shaman Shaman you want to prioritize gear with the following stats:

  1. Intellect
  2. Spell Damage / Healing
  3. Mana per 5 sec (MP5)
  4. Spell Critical Chance

More Shaman Specs in Season of Discovery

The Shaman Shaman is a true hybrid. Out of the 9 playable WoW Classic classes, only two classes can take on 4 different play styles. The Shaman Shaman is one of these two classes. They can heal, and tank, and have a melee and ranged DPS build.

Tank Spec for Shamans

To tank in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Shaman Tank Spec. It is optimized to maintain your opponents’ aggro and reduce incoming damage.

DPS Spec for Enhancement Shamans

To play as an Enhancement Shaman Shaman in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Enhancement Shaman DPS Spec. This spec is optimized to deal maximum damage in melee combat.

DPS Spec for Elemental Shamans

To play as an Elemental Shaman Shaman in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Elemental Shaman DPS Spec. This spec is optimized to deal maximum damage by casting spells.

Additional Resources

You can find more resources about the WoW SoD Shaman here, including Shaman Macros for WoW Classic. If you want to learn more and optimize your gameplay, visit the Classic Shaman Discord community for discussions and insights.