WoW SoD Shaman Tank
In this WoW SoD Shaman Tank build you will find the best tank shaman spec in the Season of Discovery in WoW Classic. The build shows the best talents, runes, BiS gear, and enchants to tank in dungeons and raids as a Shaman.
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- WoW SoD Tank Shaman Talents & Runes
- SoD Phase 7 Tank Shaman BiS List
- SoD Phase 6 Tank Shaman BiS List
- SoD Phase 5 Tank Shaman BiS List
- SoD Phase 4 Tank Shaman BiS List
- SoD Shaman Tank Pre-Raid BiS List
- Tank Shaman Rotation
- Tank Shaman Consumables in SoD
- Tank Shaman Stat Priority
- More Shaman Specs in Season of Discovery
- Additional Resources
WoW SoD Tank Shaman Talents & Runes
Choose the following talents and runes as an Tank Shaman for Phase 7 at level 60:
Learn where to find each rune in our guide Season of Discovery Shaman Runes.
SoD Phase 7 Tank Shaman BiS List
The following Tank Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery:
- Head (
Vodouisant's Shroud)
Earthshatter Faceguard (Naxxramas)
- Neck
Mark of C'Thun (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Shoulders (
Fortitude of the Scourge)
Earthshatter Pauldrons (Naxxramas)
- Back (
Enchant Cloak - Dodge)
Cloak of the Gathering Storm (Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus)
- Chest (
Core Armor Kit)
Earthshatter Chestguard (Naxxramas)
- Wrist (
Core Armor Kit)
Earthshatter Bracers (Naxxramas)
- Hands (
Core Armor Kit)
Earthshatter Grips (Naxxramas)
- Waist
Earthshatter Waistguard (Naxxramas)
- Legs (
Vodouisant's Shroud)
Earthshatter Legplates (Naxxramas)
- Feet (
Core Armor Kit)
Earthshatter Sabatons (Naxxramas)
- Rings
Signet of the Earthshatterer (Naxxramas)
Ring of the Gathering Storm (Keyl Swiftclaw in Silithus)
- Trinkets
Lodestone of Retaliation (Enchanting)
Natural Alignment Crystal (Blackwing Lair)
- Main-Hand Weapon (
Enchant Weapon - Spell Power)
Hammer of the Gathering Storm (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Off-Hand Weapon (
Enchant Shield - Law of Nature)
The Face of Death (Naxxramas)
- Totem
Totem of Relentless Thunder (sold for 25
Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
Use Soul of the True Alpha as your shoulder enchant.
SoD Phase 6 Tank Shaman BiS List
The following Tank Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 6 of Season of Discovery:
- Head (
Vodouisant's Shroud)
Stormcaller's Faceguard (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Neck
Mark of C'Thun (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Shoulders (
Zandalar Signet of Mojo)
Pauldrons of Ten Storms (Blackwing Lair)
- Back (
Enchant Cloak - Dodge)
Cloak of the Gathering Storm (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Chest (
Core Armor Kit)
Stormcaller's Chestguard (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Wrist (
Enchant Bracer - Deflection)
Wristguards of Ten Storms (sold for 125
Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Hands (
Core Armor Kit)
Handguards of Ten Storms (Blackwing Lair)
- Waist
Waistguard of Ten Storms (Prince Thunderaan)
- Legs (
Vodouisant's Shroud)
Stormcaller's Legplates (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Feet (
Core Armor Kit)
Stormcaller's Sabatons (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Rings
Angelista's Touch (Ahn'Qiraj)
Ring of the Gathering Storm (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Trinkets
Lodestone of Retaliation (Enchanting)
Neltharion's Tear (Blackwing Lair)
- Main-Hand Weapon (
Enchant Weapon - Spell Power)
Hammer of the Gathering Storm (Ahn'Qiraj)
- Off-Hand Weapon (
Enchant Shield - Law of Nature)
Terrestris (
Hardened Elementium Slag from Blackwing Lair)
- Totem
Totem of Relentless Thunder (sold for 25
Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
SoD Phase 5 Tank Shaman BiS List
The following Tank Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 5 of Season of Discovery:
- Head (
Vodouisant's Embrace)
Faceguard of Ten Storms (Blackwing Lair)
- Neck
Soul Corrupter's Necklace (Zul'Gurub)
- Shoulders (
Zandalar Signet of Might)
Pauldrons of Ten Storms (Blackwing Lair)
- Back (
Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility)
Puissant Cape (
Cloak of the Brood Lord (
Blackwing Lair)
- Chest (
Enchant Chest - Greater Stats)
Chestguard of Ten Storms (Blackwing Lair)
- Wrist (
Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength)
Wristguards of Ten Storms (sold for 125
Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Hands (
Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength)
Handguards of Ten Storms (Blackwing Lair)
- Waist
Waistguard of Ten Storms (Prince Thunderaan)
- Legs (
Vodouisant's Embrace)
Legguards of Ten Storms (Blackwing Lair)
- Feet (
Enchant Boots - Minor Speed)
Sabatons of Ten Storms (Blackwing Lair)
- Rings
Zanzil's Band (Zul'Gurub)
Zanzil's Seal (Zul'Gurub)
- Trinkets
Natural Alignment Crystal (Blackwing Lair)
Neltharion's Tear (Blackwing Lair)
- Main-Hand Weapon (
Enchant Weapon - Crusader)
Flashrend (
Prince Thunderaan)
Stormwrath, Sanctified Shortblade of the Galefinder (
Prince Thunderaan)
- Off-Hand Weapon (
Enchant Shield - Law of Nature)
Terrestris (
Hardened Elementium Slag from Blackwing Lair)
- Totem
Totem of Relentless Thunder (sold for 25
Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
Legend: Items marked with are BiS for Enhancement tanks, while items marked with
are BiS for Elemental tanks.
If you’re playing the Elemental tank variant, use the following enchantments: Enchant Weapon - Spell Power,
Enchant Bracer - Deflection,
Zandalar Signet of Mojo, and
Vodouisant's Shroud.
SoD Phase 4 Tank Shaman BiS List
The following Tank Shaman BiS list contains the best items you can get in Phase 4 of Season of Discovery to tank raids and dungeons:
- Head (
Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
Earthfury Headpiece (Molten Core)
- Neck
Eskhandar's Collar (Onyxia)
- Shoulders (
Atal'ai Signet of Might)
Earthfury Pauldrons (Molten Core)
- Back (
Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility)
Puissant Cape (Azuregos in Azshara)
- Chest (
Enchant Chest - Greater Stats)
Earthfury Chainmail (Molten Core)
- Wrist (
Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength)
Earthfury Wristguards (Molten Core)
- Hands (
Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength)
Earthfury Grips (Molten Core)
- Waist
Earthfury Waistguard (Molten Core)
- Legs (
Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
Earthfury Chain Leggings (Molten Core)
- Feet (
Enchant Boots - Minor Speed)
Earthfury Sabatons (Molten Core)
- Rings
Quick Strike Ring (Molten Core)
Band of Sulfuras (Molten Core)
- Trinkets
Essence of the Pure Flame (Molten Core)
Onyxia Blood Talisman (
Head of Onyxia)
- Main-Hand Weapon (
Enchant Weapon - Crusader)
Deathbringer (Onyxia)
- Off-Hand (
Enchant Shield - Law of Nature)
Draconian Deflector (Upper Blackrock Spire)
- Totem
Totem of Raging Fire (sold for 15
Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
Fire Resistance for Heat Level 2 and Heat Level 3
To raid the more difficult heat levels in Molten Core you need to hit Fire Resistance thresholds. For Heat Level 2 you need at least 96 Fire Resistance and for Heat Level 3 you need at least 226 Fire Resistance. To increase your Fire Resistance you can equip gear, utilize enchantments, use consumables, and cast your Fire Resistance Totem.
Use the following sources to increase your Fire Resistance to the required threshold:
Fire Resistance Totem (does not stack with
Mark of the Wild)
Lesser Arcanum of Resilience (Head & Legs Enchants,
Libram of Resilience)
Blessed Flame Mantle of the Dawn (Argent Dawn – Exalted),
Flame Mantle of the Dawn (Argent Dawn – Revered)
Hydraxian Coronation (Hydraxian Waterlords – Honored)
Juju Ember (
Shardtooth E'ko at 61.8 38.2 in Winterspring)
Magic Resistance Potion (does not stack with
Mark of the Wild or
Fire Resistance Totem)
Duke's Domain (Hydraxian Waterlords – Exalted)
Miniaturized Fire Extinguisher (Demon Fall Canyon)
Shining Chromatic Gauntlets (Lokhtos Darkbargainer in Blackrock Depths)
Ocean's Breeze (
A Hero's Reward)
Blazefury Medallion (Lord Kazzak in Blasted Lands)
Pyremail Wristguards of Stamina (Blackrock Depths)
Wildfire Cape (Upper Blackrock Spire)
Drakefire Amulet (Blackrock Spire)
Using Fire Resistance items often results in a DPS loss in comparison to your BiS list. After you’ve acquired new raid items recalculate your Fire Resistance and re-optimize your gear loadout.
🔥 Since the boss Garr from Molten Core can dispel magic effects, you should make sure your Shaman is hitting the Fire Resistance threshold without
Mark of the Wild for that specific fight. This might require you to have some off-pieces for that boss fight.
SoD Shaman Tank Pre-Raid BiS List
The following Shaman Tank pre-BiS list contains the best items you can get in Season of Discovery before entering the endgame raids at level 60.
- Head (
Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
Face of The Five Thunders (
Saving the Best for Last) 1
Champion's Mail Headguard (PvP Rank 10)
Savage Gladiator Helm (Blackrock Depths)
- Neck
Amulet of the Darkmoon (Darkmoon Faire)
Mark of Fordring (
In Dreams from Highlord Taelan Fordring in the northern part of Western Plaguelands)
Bloodstained Charm of Valor (Sunken Temple)
- Shoulders (
Atal'ai Signet of Might)
Champion's Mail Pauldrons (PvP Rank 10)
Truestrike Shoulders (Upper Blackrock Spire)
Spaulders of The Five Thunders (
Anthion's Parting Words) 2
Defiler's Leather Shoulders (Arathi Basin – Exalted)
- Back (
Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility)
Shroud of Domination (Upper Blackrock Spire)
Cloak of Revanchion (Dire Maul)
Cape of the Black Baron (Stratholme Undead)
- Chest (
Enchant Chest - Greater Stats)
Chain of The Five Thunders (
Saving the Best for Last) 1
Cadaverous Armor (Scholomance)
Savage Gladiator Chain (Blackrock Depths)
Legionnaire's Mail Hauberk (PvP Rank 8)
- Wrist (
Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength)
Forest Stalker's Bracers (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
Bracers of the Eclipse (Dire Maul West)
Slashclaw Bracers (Lower Blackrock Spire)
- Hands (
Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength)
Fists of The Five Thunders (
Just Compensation) 3
Blood Guard's Mail Vices (PvP Rank 7)
- Waist
Cord of The Five Thunders (
Just Compensation) 3
Chiselbrand Girdle (Lower Blackrock Spire)
Defiler's Chain Girdle (Arathi Basin – Honored])
- Legs (
Lesser Arcanum of Voracity)
Legionnaire's Mail Legguards (PvP Rank 8)
Legplates of The Five Thunders (
Anthion's Parting Words) 2
Legguards of Sacrifice (Demon Fall Canyon)
- Feet (
Enchant Boots - Minor Speed)
Treads of The Five Thunders (
Anthion's Parting Words) 2
Thorned Boots (Demon Fall Canyon)
Shadowcraft Boots (Scholomance)
- Rings
Resin Loop (Demon Fall Canyon)
Band of the Steadfast Hero (Scholomance)
Don Julio's Band (Alterac Valley – Exalted)
Legionnaire's Band (Warsong Gulch – Honored)
Band of the Wilds (12 Wild Offering)
Painweaver Band (Upper Blackrock Spire)
Abandoned Wedding Band (sold for 25
Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Trinkets
Hand of Justice (Blackrock Depths)
Accursed Chalice (Demon Fall Canyon)
Briarwood Reed (Upper Blackrock Spire)
Rune of the Guard Captain (
Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands)
Blackhand's Breadth (Upper Blackrock Spire)
Force of Will (Blackrock Depths)
- Main-Hand Weapon (
Enchant Weapon - Crusader)
Ironfoe (Blackrock Depths)
Frostbite (Alterac Valley – Revered)
Sharpened Tooth of Eranikus (Sunken Temple)
Cobra Fang Claw (Sunken Temple)
- Shield (
Enchant Shield - Lesser Block)
Draconian Deflector (Upper Blackrock Spire)
Dreadguard's Protector (Dire Maul)
Crest of Preeminence (Sunken Temple)
- Totem
Totem of Earthen Vitality (sold for 15
Tarnished Undermine Real by Pix Xizzix in Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
1 This quest requires Coif of Elements from Scholomance and
Vest of Elements from Blackrock Spire to complete.
2 This quest requires Boots of Elements from Blackrock Spire,
Kilt of Elements from Stratholme, and
Pauldrons of Elements from Blackrock Spire to complete.
3 This quest requires Cord of Elements and
Gauntlets of Elements to complete. Both items drop in Blackrock Spire.
4 Items marked with are for two-handed builds only.
This P4 pre-BiS list is continuously being worked on. Please use the feedback button below to send us your thoughts and suggestions.
Tank Shaman Rotation
The rotation as a Tank Shaman in WoW SoD consists of the following priority list:
- Make sure
Rockbiter Weapon is active. Cast it before you pull and refresh it during long fights before it falls off.
- Make sure
Lightning Shield is active before you pull.
- Keep
Flame Shock active on the target.
- Cast
Chain Lightning if you have two or more targets and have 5 stacks of
Maelstrom Weapon.
- Cast
Lava Burst if you have 5 stacks of
Maelstrom Weapon, but
Chain Lightning is not available.
- Use
Earth Shock whenever it’s available.
- Cast
Lava Burst if you have one target and at least one stack of
Maelstrom Weapon.
- Keep
Magma Totem active if you have 2 or more targets. Otherwise
Searing Totem.
Cast Spirit of the Alpha on yourself. If you have no threat issues without it, you can cast
Spirit of the Alpha on a healer or the Imp of a
The totems you use depend on the raid. If there are no special requirements from your raid lead, put down Strength of Earth Totem,
Grace of Air Totem, and
Mana Spring Totem. If your group is missing Windfury, use
Windfury Totem instead of
Grace of Air Totem.
Tank Shaman Consumables in SoD
The following list of consumables can be used by Tank Shamans in endgame raids at level 60:
Flask of Ancient Knowledge
Gift of Arthas
Enchanted Repellent
Juju Power /
Elixir of Giants
Elixir of the Honey Badger
Juju Might /
Winterfall Firewater
Elixir of the Mage-Lord
Darkclaw Bisque
Dragonbreath Chili
Rumsey Rum Black Label
Elixir of the Ironside
Elixir of Fortitude
Use Enchanted Repellent only on your off-hand weapon. Use always
Rockbiter Weapon on your man-hand weapon.
Tank Shaman Stat Priority
As a Tank Shaman you want to prioritize gear with the following stats:
- Up to 16% Hit Chance against level 60 raid bosses.
- Crit Chance
- Strength
- Agility
- Intellect
- Attack Power
The Spell Hit Cap is 16% while the Melee Hit Cap is 9%. Depending on your finger runes, you can reduce the required Spell Hit Chance to 10% and Melee Hit Chance to 6%. If you can get close to 10% Hit Chance for spells and melee attacks from your gear, you can use Defense Specialization together with
Nature Specialization as your finger runes.
More Shaman Specs in Season of Discovery
The Shaman is a true hybrid. Out of the 9 playable WoW Classic classes, only two classes can take on 4 different play styles. The
Shaman is one of these two classes. They can heal, and tank, and have a melee and ranged DPS build.
Healer Spec for Restoration Shamans
To heal in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Shaman Healer Spec. This spec is optimized to heal and keep your party alive.
DPS Spec for Enhancement Shamans
To play as an Enhancement Shaman in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Enhancement Shaman DPS Spec. This spec is optimized to deal maximum damage in melee combat.
DPS Spec for Elemental Shamans
To play as an Elemental Shaman in dungeons and raids, use the WoW SoD Elemental Shaman DPS Spec. This spec is optimized to deal maximum damage by casting spells.
Additional Resources
You can find more resources about the WoW SoD Shaman here, including Shaman Macros for WoW Classic. Special thanks to the WoWSims team for providing an invaluable simulation tool to optimize BiS lists. If you want to learn more and optimize your gameplay, visit the Classic Shaman Discord community for discussions and insights.